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Everything About Creatine

Creatine is one of the most researched supplements in the world today which has a lot of viable, credible science behind it to prove that it does work. This is obviously very valuable information because many supplements don't actually come with much research or evidence behind them. However there is still a lot to understand behind the use of creatine.

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How Does It Work?

Creatine helps the ATP energy system regenerate more rapidly which means that you're going to become more resistant to fatigue in the gym. Where your ATP levels may become depleted after the 6th rep on a set, you might get 1-2 extra reps purely because of the creatine you've supplemented with. This is all about improving ATP production.

What Are The Benefits?

The obvious benefits are that it helps you lift the same weight for more reps and even use more weight, which ultimately means you're going to achieve more overload in a shorter space of time. As a result you will build more muscle, become stronger and improve overall performance. 

Another very valid benefit of using creatine is that it will bring more water into the muscle cell which doesn't just mean performance improves, it also gives you a much fuller look as a result!

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