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In this article, Ultimate Sup will reveal BCAAs - one dominant bodybuilding supplement that holds plenty of myths. We will also suggest a list of the best five BCAAs in 2021 tested and evaluated, along with detailed and complete instructions to help you select your own supplement.

What Are Amino Acids

Amino acids are important components constituting various proteins. They are responsible for functions in your body’s activities. In other words, amino acids are the most basic unit of protein. Many amino acids link together into short polymer chains called peptides or polypeptides, then continue to transfer into a complete protein molecule. Also, amino acids have the effect of synthesizing necessary hormones and neurotransmitters to support biochemical processes.

Amino acids associated with each other in certain sequences in different bonds will form different molecules in both composition and properties. Thus, the nutritional value of protein is determined based on the quantity and quality relationship of the various amino acids that make up that protein.

Protein is the most important component in building and repairing muscle. It is composed of amino acids. Amino acids are also classified into essential and non-essential amino acids.

In addition to protein, there are many tips to include various amino acids to assist your muscles with recovering and growing.

Amino acids are found in protein-rich foods such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and milk. After protein from food enters the body, it will be broken down into many different amino acids. Then, they participate in some particular body processes such as neurotransmitter transportation and biosynthesis.

Amino-Acid Benefits

In general, amino acids will have effects such as:

Anti-Inflammatory And Analgesic

In a study, amino acids such as L-isoleucine, DL-isoleucine, and L-leucine are useful for anti-inflammatory effects while DL-isoleucine could inhibit edema.

Support Muscle And Physical Development

According to this study, supplementing with amino acids develops lean muscle mass and strength and improves your body’s physical performance. Besides, taking amino acids belonging to the BCAAs group also limits muscle catabolism and promotes protein synthesis in the muscle.

Several research studies regarding BCAA amino acid supplementation before and after exercise can improve post-workout muscle recovery. This is because the supplements increase the bioavailability of amino acids to enhance protein synthesis.

Support Fat Loss

Amino acids, especially BCAAs, have been shown to help athletes burn more body fat, especially belly fat. In a study conducted by the College of Charleston, BCAA intake resulted in the loss of body fat 2.5 times faster than athletes who drank carbohydrates and 50% more than those who consumed whey protein.

Limit Muscle Loss

You are at risk of losing muscle during exercise, especially if you have no pre-workout routine.

Taking an amino acid supplement 30-60 minutes before training will prevent this because amino acids can repair muscles through protein synthesis.

Increase Stamina, Reduce Fatigue

According to a study published in the Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine, supplementing amino acids, such as BCAAs, reduced fatigue by more than 17%. This has been implicated in the activation of transaminases to enhance lipid oxidation in glycogen-depressed athletes.

Relieve Muscle Aches And Pains

A post-workout pain called "delayed onset muscle soreness” (DOMS) occurs immediately after strenuous exercise and lasts up to several days. When you take in pre-workout amino acids, your body will begin synthesizing protein to start repairing muscles faster. These substances can also decrease muscle protein breakdown. This can reduce soreness and improve muscle recovery time.

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What Are BCAAs?Add a heading here.

This is a group of 3 essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize: Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine. Among them, the most important amino acid in this trilogy is Leucine.

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BCAA Benefits

BCAAs make up the majority of amino acids. Specifically, these amino acids reach 35-40% of the total amount of essential amino acids in your body, 14-18% of which is in the muscle.

Unlike other amino acids, BCAAs are synthesized directly in the muscle, not in the liver. Hence, they are able to fuel the muscles and restore them during exercise.

BCAAs are able to deliver advantages such as:

  • Synthesized into proteins to build muscle mass.
  • Regulate blood sugar by stimulating the cells to take sugar from the bloodstream for energy, especially Isoleucine and Valine
  • Preserve the sugar amount stored in the liver and muscles.
  • Reduce fatigue by producing Serotonin in the brain.
  • Influence muscle building thanks to Leucine.

Leucine Benefits

This is the most critical amino acid of the group. It supports maintaining energy levels by improving blood sugar stability over a long period of time. Leucine also helps build muscle by processing, increasing protein synthesis, and reducing muscle protein loss during intense exercise. In one study, Leucine alone was able to increase protein synthesis by up to 25%.

Isoleucine Benefits

The way Isoleucine works is similar to that of Leucine. They differ only in how Leucine is metabolized through fat, while Isoleucine can be metabolized via starch and fat.

Valine Benefits

Similar to Isoleucine and Leucine, Valine brings more glucose into the muscles for an energy boost during exercise.

Furthermore, Valine also works to improve the immune system and brain function. If you are insomnia, you may find valine beneficial to sleep quality. However, when taken alone, Valine is not helpful for muscle growth and recovery as it must be combined with these other two amino acids in the BCAAs group to be effective.


To find out more about best BCAAs in 2021, click here
Best BCAAs For Your Fitness Goal - Ultimate Sup